I was aked to do Math stuff with my brain after 9 last night. My weeknight schedule is normally pretty predictable. I get home by 6:30, workout with the encouragement of an time displaced Axis agent using EA's Wii Active game (I'M DOING THE BEST I CAN YOU JAPANESE WENCH!), then chillax on my couch watching episodes of Burn Notice I have saved on my DVR. So, this event was a pretty big shake-up of my precious routine.
I really used to be good at math, you guyz! I could sit in the back of a math class, giving all the right answers for just the right price. Yes, I'll find the derivative of that equation, Professor, in exchange for a favorable grade. Sucker. The only class I was really an anchor around anyone's neck was PE but coaches are more than willing to just leave my chunky ass by the curb and give attention to the guys with the sexy muscle flexes that cause them to swoon and bat their eyes. Except my 7th grade PE coach. He tried to get everyone involved. He was also my 6th grade English teacher. THAT guy was an all around Renaissance man. He was a good example of how idealists envision the classical education system. Too bad it's become an incubator for the idiots of the absent parents, just warming them over until the very last ding of the final school bell they hear their senior year. Then the system that only wants them to be capable of being a wage slave vomits them out so they can assume their role as the ditchdiggers of society. Have we really failed our kids this hard?
The only way to fix this is with vigorous science! The kind Texas school board members question the validity of. Simic and Orzhov can never get along.
The math for my developing "Aggression" index is constantly shifting, changing, and EVOLVING. Primarily, it is so I can accomodate the special needs of the Evolve mechanic. Turthfully, the majority of evolve creatures are underpowered compared to their mana cost. They're also kind of frail, too. They gotta toughen up. What better way to do that than through peer pressure? Bring in better teammates to motivate those lazy Cloudfin Raptors to do their job.
So, how am I factoring in the effectiveness of Evolve creatures? More math, again! UGH! I'm only through the green creatures in my aggression index and still have multi-colored and artifact creatures left. But, here's an example of what I'm thinking of doing:
Lets take a look at Crocanura:
At 3 mana it's a 1/3, which is pretty good defensively. He's obviously hit his share of Doritos tacos in his life, but his power is just too small. He's a weak little chump. Now, if I want to determine how aggressively costed this dude is, I shoud compare his power to the average power of his 3 mana peers and 4CMC haste creatures. He is woefully underaverage in this respect, so far.
Ah, but Evolve is there, and it hates simple math. When this armchair QB hits the board on turn 3, he doesn't attack until turn 4. Because of summoning sickness and he has to vomit that McDonald's 2xQP meal he X-tra sized! This denizen of wal-mart should be ashamed of himself!
So, turn 4 rolls around, I can play my 4th land, and summon a creature. Heres the question: What is the likelyhood THIS next creature triggers evolve? What is the average power or Toughness of a 4CMC creature, and is that average greater than Crocasnorlax P/T? If it is, I can assume that by the time I attack with Chunksanura he'll get his ass in shape and be a 2/4. Actually, on average, so far as I have done it, this would put him above average for power AND toughness for a 3CMC common/uncommon creature.
So, thanks to Evolve, I have to make a new adjustment to my aggression index for these lazy assholes. I gotta figure out the likelihood that they'll actually evolve on the following turn they're dropped. Thankfully, after working my brain helping a friend with pre-calculus, I was able to ponder this quandry and have an epiphany on how to handle it. Harder math came into my world, and I evolved my thinking brain to meet it.
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